When life gives you lemons...make lemonade

Stitch Away Stress

April is National Stress Awareness Month and the Craft Yarn Council wants to encourage you to stitch away stress and UNWIND with crochet and knitting. Join in on the fun by posting your projects using #StitchAwayStress and following us on social media!

Ready to start relaxing?

In keeping with our lemon theme, say hello to the lemon pillow. Designed by crochet artist extraordinaire Twinkie Chan, and like the lemon stress ball Twinkie designed several years ago, it’s a great stress reliever. The new and improved lemon, available in both a knit and crochet version, is bigger and even more squeezable. Use it as a pillow, a huggable stress reliever or just a fluffy shoulder to lean on when life gets tough. Stitch away your stress or anxiety and enjoy the fruit of your labor.  

The Truth About Knitting and Crochet….They’re Good for You!

How these crafts can improve your mood, mind and body

In January 2014, the Council released its Changing Global Health One Stitch at a Time video featuring interviews with a wide range of people from older adults to grammar school kids about their experiences with knitting and crochet.

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The video was produced by Lasch Media for CYC. Since the mid 1990s the Craft Yarn Council (CYC) has surveyed hundreds of thousands of knitters and crocheters about why they enjoy these crafts. Consistently over time, stress relief ranks at the top, along with creative fulfillment. In addition, a growing number of studies have been completed and articles written about the benefits of knitting and crochet to one’s mood, mind and even the body by treating symptoms of some diseases. Read the article written by Leslie Petrovski that summarizes highlights of these studies and articles, along with personal interviews.

Has knitting or crochet positively affected your health?

Craft Yarn Council invites you to add your personal story to our health archive below…

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