Toni Lipsey of TL Yarn Crafts is a crochet blogger who designs, teaches and writes about all things crochet. Since 2013, she's built a community of crafters who are passionate about what they do. She shares her knowledge and life on social media and even sells not only her own designs, but fun maker gifts like t-shirts, coffee mugs and buttons on her website.
Without further ado, we are happy to share with you TL Yarn Craft’s Happy Place!
What system do you use to organize your yarn? (by color, by fiber content, by project, etc.)
I organize most of my yarn by weight. After that, it's typically by project or dyer.
What furniture/storage systems do you use to organize your yarn?
My main storage is a metal baker's rack that used to be in my kitchen. Next to that is a short bookshelf and I have a smaller metal rack on. I also have a gold metal shelf that holds some of my more fun yarns from We Are Knitters.

How do you like to de-stash? (i.e completing projects, yarn swaps, yarn sales, donations)?
Getting rid of yarn is a new concept for me, lol. I started de-stashing via my Instagram LIVE in mid-2018. Every few months, I grab some yarn to purge and my Instagram family is happy to take the extra skeins off my hands.
More often than not, what colors are always in your office/yarn corner?
Lots and lots of neutrals and pinks. Every now and then, I'm drawn to really bright cottons that I like to use for amigurumi.
Do you like to work in the same space where your yarn is stored? Why or why not?
Yes. I store my yarn in my studio (aka, my second bedroom). My yarn inspires me to complete the administrative parts of running my crochet business so I can get back to the fun of making.

When you are working on a project, do you have a specific spot you put it when you aren't working on it, or does it follow you around beyond your space?
My projects follow me around my home and wherever I go when I leave the house. I have a collection of totes and project bags that I like to put portable projects in.
How important is a well-organized yarn corner/office to your mental wellbeing?
Very important! If my space is messy, I can't concentrate. I make time every week to really clean my space, and I try to keep it tidy throughout the week.
Where did you purchase everything shown in the photos you submitted?
Baker's Rack - IKEA; bookshelf - Target; small metal rack - At Home; cube: IKEA, wicker basket and white metal container - JOANN's; gold metal shelf - Target

Share any current projects, promotions or tips.
Sort it as best as you can and then de-stash anything you don't plan to use in the next 12 months. Try to establish a yarn storage situation and stick to it. If your stash outgrows your system, it's time for another de-stash.
All photos courtesy of Toni Lipsey.