Cable Knit Turtleneck

Make It Quick Projects

Always in fashion, this classic turtleneck will be a favorite for work or play. Rows of cable stitches are combined with seed stitch panels to create lots of surface texture and design interest.

cable knit turtleneck sweater

Directions are given for bust size 32. Changes for sizes 34, 36, 38 and 40 are in parentheses. When the same number of stitches or inches applies to all sizes only one figure will be shown.

Knit (k)
Purl (p)
Increase (inc)
Stitch (st or sts)
Repeat (rep)
Remaining (rem)
Pattern (pat)
Begin (beg)
Together (tog)
* * Repeat instructions between * * the number of times given in addition to the original.
[ ] Repeat instructions with [ ] the total number of times given.


Bust size: 32" 34" 36" 38" 40"
Finished size: 36" 38" 40" 42" 44"

Materials Needed:
21 (23, 24, 25, 26) ozs. [594 (651, 678, 707, 735) gms] worsted-weight yarn
Size 9 (6mm) knitting needles for body or whatever size for the correct gauge
Size 7 (5 mm) knitting needles for ribbings
2 stitch holders
1 cable needle
4 safety pins
2 stitch markers

On #9 needles: 22 sts = 4"
20 rows = 3 1/4"
Seed Stitch (worked across odd number of sts).
Row 1: K 1, * p1, k 1.* Repeat between * * across row.
Repeat Row 1 for Seed Stitch, knitting the purl stitches and purling the knit stitches.

Pattern Stitch (stitches worked between markers on body and sleeves.

Row 1: (right side) P 2, seed st across next 9 sts, * p 2, k 9, p 2, seed st across next 9 sts*. Repeat between * * across row to last 2 sts, p 2.
Row 2: K 2, seed st across next 9 sts, * k 2, p 9, k 2, seed stitch across next 9 sts*. Repeat between * * across row to last 2 sts, k 2.
Row 3: Repeat Row 1.
Row 4: Repeat Row 2.
Row 5: (cable row worked across 9 sts) P 2, seed st across next 9 sts, * purl 2 slip 5 sts to a cable needle and hold in front of work, knit next 4 sts, then k the 5 sts from cable needle, p 2, seed st over next 9 sts. * Repeat between * * to last 2 sts, p 2.
Row 6: Repeat Row 2.
Row 7: Repeat Row 1.
Row 8: Repeat Row 2.
Row 9: Repeat Row 1.
Row 10: Repeat Row 2.
Row 11: * P 2, k 9, p 2, seed st across next 9 sts.* Repeat between * * to last 13 sts, p 2, k 9, p 2.
Row 12: * K 2, p 9, k 2, seed st across next 9 sts*. Repeat between * * to last 13 sts, k 2, p 9, k 2.
Row 13: Repeat Row 11.
Row 14: Repeat Row 12.
Row 15: (cable row worked across 9 sts) *P 2, slip 5 sts to a cable needle and hold in front of work, k next 4 sts, then knit the 5 sts from cable needle, p 2, seed stitch across next 9 sts*. Repeat between * * to last 13 sts, p 2, slip 5 sts to a cable needle and hold in front of work, knit next 4 sts, then knit the 5 sts from cable needle, p 2.
Row 16: Repeat Row 12.
Row 17: Repeat Row 11.
Row 18: Repeat Row 12.
Row 19: Repeat Row 11.
Row 20: Repeat row 12.

Repeat last 20 rows for pattern.


Starting at lower edge with smaller needles, cast on 93 (101, 105, 113, 119) sts.

Ribbing - Row 1: K 1, *p 1, k 1.* Repeat between * * across row.
Row 2: P1, * k1, p1.* Repeat between * * across row.

Repeat last 2 rows for 2 1/2" (2 1/2", 3", 3", 3") end with row 1.
Next Row: Work in ribbing across first 7 (11, 13, 17, 19) sts, place a marker, work in ribbing across next 79 (79, 79, 79, 101) sts, place another marker, work in ribbing across next 7 (11, 13, 17, 19) sts.


Change to larger needles and work pattern as follows:
Row 1: (right side) Work seed stitch to first marker, slip marker, work Row 1 of Pattern Stitch to next marker, slip marker, seed st across remaining sts. Slipping markers on each row, work seed st before first marker and following second marker; continue to work Rows 1-20 of pattern st on center 79 (79, 79, 79, 101) sts.
Row 2: Work seed st to first marker, work Row 2 of Pattern Stitch to next marker, work seed st across remaining sts.
Row 3: Repeat Row 1 of body.
Row 4: Repeat Row 2 of body.
Row 5: Seed stitch to first marker, work Pattern Stitch Row 5 to next marker, seed stitch across remaining sts.
Row 6: Repeat Row 2 of Body.
Row 7: Repeat Row 1 of Body.
Row 8: Repeat Row 2 of Body.
Row 9: Repeat Row 1 of Body.
Row 10: Repeat Row 2 of Body.
Row 11: Seed st to first marker, work Pattern Stitch Row 11 to next marker, seed st remaining sts.
Row 12: Seed st to first marker, work Pattern Stitch Row 12 to next marker, seed st remaining stitches.
Row 13: Repeat Row 11 of Body.
Row 14: Repeat Row 12 of Body.
Row 15: Seed st to first marker, work Pattern Stitch Row 15 to next marker, seed st remaining sts.
Row 16: Repeat Row 12 of Body.
Row 17: Repeat Row 11 of Body.
Row 18: Repeat Row 12 of Body.
Row 19: Repeat Row 11 of Body.
Row 20: Repeat Row 12 of body.

Repeat last 20 rows until 13 1/2" ( 13 1/2", 13 1/2", 14", 14") from beginning or until desired length to underarm. Place a safety pin at beginning and end of last row worked to mark beginning of armhole. With care to keep in pattern established, work even in pattern until 8" (81/2", 9", 9 1/2", 10") from armhole markers, last row worked is a wrong side row.

Shape Shoulders: Removing markers, bind off 33 (36, 37, 40, 42) sts at beginning of row, keeping in pattern, work until there are 27 (29, 31, 33, 35) sts on right needle, slip these 27 (29, 31, 33, 35) sts to a stitch holder for back of neck, bind off remaining 33 (36, 37, 40, 42) sts.


Work same as back until 5 1/2" (6", 6 1/2", 6 1/2", 7") above armhole markers, last row is a wrong side row.

Divide for Neck: Work first 41 (44, 45, 48, 50) sts in established pattern and drop yarn. Slip next 11 (13, 15, 17, 19) sts to a stitch holder for front neck. Join a second ball of yarn and work remaining 41 (44, 45, 48, 50) sts in pattern.

With care to keep in established pattern, at each side of neck edge bind off 2 sts 4 times. There are 33 (36, 37, 40, 42) sts for each shoulder. Work even in pattern on these sts until armhole measures the same length as on back, end with a right side row. Bind off.


(make two) With smaller needles, cast on 37 (39, 39, 41, 41) sts. Work in ribbing same as for back for 2 1/2" (2 1/2", 3" 3", 3") end with Row 1.
Next Row: Working with ribbing, increase 20 (22, 26, 28, 28) sts evenly spaced across row, placing a marker following the first 11 (13, 15, 17, 17) sts and before last 11 (13, 15, 17, 17) sts. There are 57 (61, 65, 69, 69) sts on needle and 35 sts between the 2 markers.

Change to larger size needles and work pattern as follows:
Row 1: (right side) K1, [p 1, k1] 5 (6, 7, 8, 8) times, slip marker, work Row 1 of Pattern Stitch across next 35 sts, slip marker, k 1, [p 1, k 1] 5 (6, 7, 8, 8) times.
Row 2: Work seed st to first marker, work Row 2 of Pattern Stitch from BACK for body to next marker, work seed st across remaining sts.
Rows 3 - 6: Repeat rows 1 and 2 of Pattern Stitch from BACK for body.
Row 7: Increase 1 st at beginning of row, work as for Row 7 of BACK to last st, increase 1 st in last st. There are 59 (63, 67, 71, 71) sts.

With care to keep center 35 sts in Pattern Stitch, work sts before first marker and following second marker in seed st as established. Continue to work in pattern increasing 1 st at beginning and end of every 6th row 7 (7, 8, 11, 16) times; then every 8th row 5 (5, 5, 3, 0) times. There are 83 (87, 93, 99, 103) sts. Work even in established pattern until 18" (18", 18 1/2", 18 1/2", 19") from beginning or until desired length to underarm, last row is a wrong side row. Bind off.

FINISHING: Sew or weave left shoulder seam.
Turtleneck: With smaller needles and right side fo back facing, knit the 27 (29, 31, 33, 35) sts from back holder, pick up and knit 18 (19, 20, 20, 21)sts along left front neck edge, knit 11 (13, 15, 17, 19) sts from front holder, pick up and knit 19 (20, 21, 21, 22) sts from right front neck edge. There are 75 ( 81, 87, 91, 97) sts. Work in ribbing as on Back for 3". Change to larger needles and continue to work in ribbing for 3". Bind off loosely in ribbing from right side.

Sew or weave right shoulder seam and turtleneck seam. Sew or weave side seam to armhole markers. Sew sleeve seams, sew sleeves in place.

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of these instructions. We cannot be responsible, however, for variances in individual techniques, human errors or typographical mistakes.

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