From the Heart Knitted Stocking


Featured in Family Circle Easy Knitting


stockingTLC by Red Heart/Coats & Clark,

5oz/140g skeins, each approx 253yd/231m (acrylic)
1 skein each in #5289 copper (A), #5768
fuchsia (B), #5911 cherry red (C) and
#5915 claret (D)
One pair size 7 (4.5mm) needles OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE
Size 7 (4.5mm) circular needle,
16"/40cm long
One set (4) dpn size 7 (4.5mm)
Stitch markers and holder


7" x 21"/18.5 x 53cm


18 sts and 24 rows to 4"/10cm over St st using size 7 (4.5mm) needles.



1) When changing colors, twist yarn on WS to prevent holes. 2) Wind A, B and C onto bobbins and work each heart motif and background color with separate bobbins.


Beg at bottom edge, with straight needles and A, cast on 68 sts. Work in garter st for 6 rows.

Beg chart pat

Row 1 (RS) K4 with A, pm, beg with st 1 of chart, work to st 17, then work sts 4-17 three times, work st 18 once, pm, k4 with A. Cont in this way, working to row 24 and keeping 4 sts each side in garter st. When chart is completed, cont to work all sts in garter st for 3 rows. Change to circular needle. Next row (WS) K4, place these 4 sts on a holder, k to end. Next (joining) rnd [K 1 st from needle tog with 1 st from holder] twice, pm, [k 1 st from needle tog with 1 st from holder] twice, k to end-64 sts. P 1 rnd even. Turn work so that WS of cuff is facing you. Change to C and work even in St st for 4"/10cm. Dec rnd K2, k2 tog, k to last 4 sts before marker, SSK, k2-62 sts. Rep dec rnd every 3"/7.5cm twice more-58 sts. Work even until C measures 12="/31.5cm from beg.



Next 2 rows With straight needles and A, k15, place next 28 sts on holder; join A, turn and p30. Work back and forth in St st for 14 rows.

Turn heel

Next (dec) row (RS) K19, SKP, turn. Next (dec) row Sl 1, p8, p2tog, turn. Next (dec) row Sl 1, k8, SKP, turn. Rep last 2 rows until 14 sts rem, end with a WS row.


Next rnd With circular needle and B, k7, pm (beg of rnd), k7, pick up and k 10 sts along side edge of heel, pm (first dec marker), k 28 sts from holder, pm (2nd dec marker), pick up and k 10 sts along side edge of heel-62 sts. Next rnd K to beg of rnd marker. Next (dec) rnd K to within 2 sts of first dec marker, k2tog, k to 2nd dec marker, SKP, k to end-60 sts. Cont in St st and rep dec rnd every 3rd rnd 7 times more-46 sts. Work even until foot measures 8="/21.5cm from back edge of heel.

Shape toe

Divide sts between 3 dpn as foll: 11 sts on first dpn, 24 sts on 2nd dpn and 11 sts on 3rd dpn. Change to B. Next (dec) rnd On first dpn, k to within last 3 sts, k2tog, k1; on 2nd dpn, k1, SKP, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1; on 3rd dpn, k1, SKP, k to end-42 sts. K 3 rnds even. Rep dec rnd on next rnd, then every 3rd rnd once more, every other rnd twice, every rnd 4 times-10 sts. Cut yarn, draw through rem sts and secure.



On cuff, outline B side of heart with straight stitches using D as in photo. On C side of heart, sew a lazy daisy flower with a French knot center using D. On stocking, use B, C and D to sew lazy daisy flowers in a random pat.

I-cord hanging loop

With dpn and D, cast on 3 sts. Work I-cord as foll: *Next row (RS) With 2nd dpn, k3, do not turn. Slide sts back to beg of needle to work next row from RS; rep from * until Icord measures 2="/6.5cm from beg. Cut yarn leaving a long tail. Thread tail into tapestry needle, then weave needle through sts; fasten off. Sew to inside back edge.

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